1) What is your name?
Please write out the version of your name you'd like me to use in conversation
First Name
Last Name
3) What Is Your Email Address?
In What City & Time Zone Do You Live?
What Is Your Primary Screenwriting Goal?
I want to improve, but I don't plan on it being anything more than a hobby
I want to become a professional, paid screenwriter
I'm a filmmaker, and need to improve my screenwriting skills to make better films
What Is Your Experience Level?
I'm just starting out and still need to learn the basics
I have completed a few screenplays, but still have a lot to learn
I've written a number of scripts, but none have been sold or optioned
I've been paid for my work, but I'd like to level up my portfolio
Which of These "Emotional Genres" Is Your Speciality?
Every writer needs a speciality they become known for. Knowing the emotion you are best-suited to elicit from your audience is very useful.
Empathy (you specialize in Dramas)
Joy (You specialize in comedies)
Fear ( You specialize in Horror or Thrillers)
Wonder (You specialize in Sci-Fi or Fantasy)
Excitement (You specialize in Action or Adventure)
Love (You specialize in Romance)
Which of These Do You Need The Most Help With?
Which of these screenwriting skills do you find most difficult or feel you need to improve the most?
Concept Development - My ideas are undercooked
Pagecraft / Screenplay Formatting - I have trouble getting my ideas to work on the page
Career Navigation - I don't know how to get anyone to read my work
Theme - I'm not confident about the concept of theme or how to use it in my work
Writer's Voice - I'm not even sure what this is or if I have one
Dialogue - My character's dialogue is all "On The Nose"
Loglines - I hate them and do not see the point
Character Arc - I don't know how to engineer an authentic transformation for my heroes
What Is The State of Your Portfolio?
How prepared are you to enter the industry?
Honestly, I don't have one or even know what that is.
I have 1 completed script, not really a portfolio
I have 2 scripts that I'm still polishing, but feel good about
I have 3 scripts that are pretty solid and would like to improve
I have 4 scripts I'm proud of and feel should get attention
I have a full portfolio of 5 scripts that are professional quality
Is a Lack of Time or Energy A Factor For You?
You struggle to make time to write or just don't have enough gas in the tank
No. I have all the time I need to do good work
Sometimes. I struggle with juggling my day job with my writing projects
This is a constant problem. I can't get anything done because I don't have any time.
Is Procrastination A Factor For You?
You have the time/energy, but waste it NOT writing
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Is Decision Fatigue A Factor For You?
You are overwhelmed by the many choices involved in developing and writing scripts
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Is Imposter Syndrome A Factor For You?
You feel like a poser/not a "real" screenwriter
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Is a Timid Creative Process a factor for you?
Meandering, confused, not confident about what to do or in what order
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Is Self Judgement A Factor For You?
In your mind, your work is either always excellent or always garbage
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Is Lack of Peer Support A Factor For You?
You keep to yourself/do not share your work with other writers
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Is Sensitivity to Feedback A Factor For You?
You don't take critical feedback well/you are defensive/ you fear losing your creative voice
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Are you Intimidated by the Business Side Of Screenwriting?
Dealing with producers, contracts, all the complex legal details etc.
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Do You Feel Like a Hollywood Outsider?
Feeling disconnected from or ignorant about the industry and don't know how to get connected
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Do You Have a Fear of Failure?
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Do You Have a Fear of Success?
Success is so alien and unknown to you that you consciously or unconsciously sabotage your efforts
Not at all
This is a constant problem
Do You Believe You Are Of The Wrong Demographic?
You think Hollywood doesn't want people like you because you're too old, too young, of the wrong sex, orientation, religion, background, upbringing etc.
Not at all
This is a constant problem
What Is Your Commitment Level?
You haven't decided if this is the career you want and treat it like a hobby
I'm all in and want this more than anything!
I'm undecided / Not sure I'm cut out for this
This is a hobby and I'm happy to keep it that way
Additional Notes